Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Cyclophobia- Fear of bicycles.

When I was younger, my mother's boyfriend had given me an old bike for me to use. I was young though, so I could not ride around my complex by myself. I had my mom watch me outside while I rode my bike. It was a cute bike. It was purple and had neon splatters on it. The bike even had beads on the wheels! I loved that bike. I was riding one day while my mom was watching me. I was riding fine, but I almost stopped and kind of dazed across the street. I still had my feet on the pedals and soon the bike just tipped over. I fell face forward into the black top. I slowly got up, wailing, with scratches and a chipped tooth. My mother came to me and cleaned me up. She was angry, but not at me. She was angry at the fact that I had chipped my tooth that happened to be permanent. This had to be the second time I had fallen face forward into the ground while riding my bike. I don't know why I would just let myself fall. Perhaps I had a short attention span back then. They should have a warning on bikes. "ALWAYS WEAR YOUR HELMET. DO NOT RIDE AT NIGHT. WARNING: DO NOT USE IF YOU HAVE A.D.D." Maybe it would have prevented me from having a chipped smile.

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