Sunday, October 5, 2008


Cymophobia or Kymophobia- Fear of waves or wave like motions.

When I was little, I went to the beach with my cousins and their family. I hardly ever went to the beach, so this was fun for me. There were a lot of big, strong waves, and they were fun to play in. My uncle took my cousin and I into the ocean and he held both of our hands while we played in the waves. The waves were so much fun to swim and crash through. I was having a great time until one of the big waves came. The big wave came and crashed down on my body. It pushed me off my feet and had me helpless. This wave was strong and I could feel it pulling me out to shore. I gripped on to my uncle's hand tightly. I was afraid of letting go, but at the same time I wanted to let go because it was almost like my limbs were being pulled apart. I accidentally slipped out of his grasp and got forcefully pushed to shore. Finally the wave stopped and I opened my eyes. Everybody had been pulled down. I wanted to get out of the water after that. What about a tsunami? I'd know what the people who experienced those feel like. I just have to take my situation times twenty--million.

1 comment:

mariposa said...

Wow, I can imagine that must have been scary.