Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.

Now THAT'S ironic.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Theophobia- Fear of gods or religion.

I was talking to my friend today, and we somehow came across the topic of religions. My friend told me that he didn't know if this was correct, but that this was the story of Abraham.
"I think the story was that Abraham was asked by God to kill his own son. Just as he was about to, God stopped him and said that he had passed the test of faith."
I'm not sure, but it made me sad to think of that. I know that God was never going to let him kill his own son, but the thought of that is just mind-bending. Well, for me it is. I found it to be bad that if I ever disliked God, I felt that I might be punished. Look what society has done to us.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams.

My friend talks about this thing called lucid dreaming. It sounds like such an amazing thing. It's quite hard to do. When you normally dream, you have no control over what happens. However, when you have a lucid dream, you can control everything that happens. You could do whatever you wanted! How amazing does that sound? To have a lucid dream, you must be able to make yourself realize that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. Sound confusing? Yeah, it does. It's really quite a hard thing to do. You could know what it felt like to do the most unimaginable things--if you only had the patience to practice something that you may never achieve.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Gamophobia- Fear of marriage.

I watched the movie "27 Dresses" today. Basically it was about this girl who had 27 bride's maid dresses because she was always the bride's made, and never the actual bride. Of course it goes through a whole plot and she ends up getting married (sorry if I spoiled the ending). Watching somebody go through that makes you not want to be a bride's maid--ever. All i'm trying to say is re-think that wedding you're going to, okay? And if you're a guy, well then I really advise you to re-think being a bride's maid. Just saying.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Lygophobia- Fear of darkness.

When you're younger, you don't really know much about anything. That's why as we get older, we become more wise. When you're young, you're fragile, and can be easily tampered with. That's why your parents never let you watch scary movies when you were small. If they did, then you would most likely end up staying wide awake, afraid, in your bed. Either that or you would run to your mom. Embarassing, but true. What most kids feared was the dark--well it's what I feared anyway. What's so scary about the dark though? Just cause you can't see anything doesn't mean anything. If you were in your room, you knew where everything was even though it were dark. However, think about what's LURKING in the darkness that you can't see.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed.

If you could manage without sleeping, would you stay up all night long? Would you stay awake for days on end? I've always had the idea that sleep was just a waste of life. When you slept-in, the day was halfway over. What's left of the day to look forward to? However, when you normally sleep-in, it's more than likely that you went to bed very late the night before. Right? So then who's fault is it really? Oh, you weren't trying to blame something else, were you?

Friday, September 19, 2008


Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia)

I know this one girl, and she wears a wig. For all the time I knew her, she always wore a wig. Of course she never took it off in public, but I never saw it off of her either. One day, while playing in gym, a ball hit her in the head, and her wig was knocked off. I'm sure many can identify who I'm speaking of, but we won't speak her name. She obviously got embarassed. From what I can remember, she was crying. Who wouldn't cry at a time like this? Personally, I love my hair. It's long and wavy, sometimes curly, and it's fun. I would cry too if I had to wear a wig. I think we asked her why she had to wear a wig, and had little to no hair. From what I remember, she said that she had gotten gum stuck in her hair, and she had to shave it all off. I believed it when I was little, but I thought about her a lot as I grew older. I asked my health teacher, and it's not cancer or anything. It's actually this disease that's called
alopecia totalis, or alopecia areata. I don't know which one. I was glad that it wasn't cancer, but still sad that it was a disease. In a way, it made me thankful. But then again, hair is dead anyway.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Pediophobia- Fear of dolls.

My grandma likes dolls. She collects the really fancy, yet scary looking ones with porcelain faces. She has a whole display cabinet full of them. I was never really scared of them all too much. They were pretty freaky though, I'll admit. I actually slept near them. They never bothered me. But then again, why would they bother me? They're not alive or anything. Did I actually automatically assume that they were evil? Oh my, there's something wrong here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hypnophobia- Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.

All I do is sleep. Endless amounts of sleep. In fact, I'm going to sleep now. Ridiculous. You don't even get a full meaningful paragraph about a phobia. Look what sleep does to you.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Ceraunophobia or Keraunophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia)

My friend has a fear of thunder and lightning. He told me that one time he was riding his bike at night and it was raining very hard. He was trying to get home as fast as possible. There was thunder booming, and lightning flashing. He was on his street, and suddenly he sees a lightning almost strike him. The lightning was within 2-5 feet of him! It was so close. He could have been struck by lightning. He gets scared and falls off his bike. He regains focus and rides home. Imagine if he had decided to move to the left or right 2-5 more feet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Meteorophobia- Fear of meteors.

I was sitting in homeroom this morning watching the channel one news. My friend was sitting next to me, and as usual we were laughing at how silly the people looked on the TV. He then told me that people say the world is going to end in October. I rolled my eyes and asked him how. He told me that two meteors were supposedly going to come and collide or something along those lines. I told him that was cool, but I was being sarcastic. I just brushed it off. We kept watching the channel one news, and there was a story about a black hole swallowing up the whole planet Earth. He told me that this was what he was actually trying to explain to me. I laughed about it, but there's just possibility we could all get sucked into a black hole. Just wanted to let you know.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Olfactophobia- Fear of smells.

Today I stayed after school with my friend. We were walking around, and we happened to pass the older kid's gym. We walked through, and the most sour, foul, burning odor crept it's way into my nose. It was disgusting! I always saw on TV how the gym locker rooms smelt bad and such, but the TV always lies! I never expected it to REALLY smell so bad inside of the gym locker room. It wasn't even inside the gym locker room! We were just in the gym plainly! We walked out of the gym and I over-exaggerated a cough and a choke. I told my friend, "Ugh! It really smelt bad in there!" All he said was, "Really? I didn't notice."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Social Phobia

Social Phobia- Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.

How do we all look at each other in the world? When you look at me, what do you see? What do you think of? Even before you meet me, what do you think? Perhaps you think of me as some annoying jerk. Maybe you think that I'm conceited and need to get a grip on life. You might even think that i'm digustingly ugly! You know what though? It's more than likely that I think of you like that too. It's a good thing that we're all too afraid to open our mouths and say something.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- Fear of death or dying.

Do you know what's scary? You really never know what's going to happen in the future. Honestly, we could all get hit by a bus tomorrow. Perhaps we'll just be walking, and for some odd reason, there's a random earthquake, and you fall through. It's only scary because if you think about it, there isn't really a way to prevent something you have no idea about. There could be some kind of wild hurricane running through my town for only God knows why! How can we prevent these things from occurring, or dodge out of the way of these mysterious tragic events? I would guess that you'd need to be able to predict the future, yes? Is there anybody really out there that can predict the future? Yes, there's gypsies and fortune tellers, but are you SURE they're telling the one-hundred percent truth? In all serious-ness, you wouldn't know. Then again, maybe there's just some things in this world we aren't supposed to know.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors.

Mirrors can definitely be seen as a portal to another world. The movie, "Mirrors", can definitely help you see that. Do we ever take the time to think about what's staring straight back at us when we do our hair, makeup, or shaving in the morning? We don't really take the time to think about that, do we? I suppose it's because we never see mirrors as a threat. That's only true since we look at ourself in the mirror everyday. People say that there's demons, ghosts, and spirits that hide inside the mirrors. Isn't that ghost-lady "Bloody Mary" supposed to be seen in the mirror? Well, hey, it's either live a life being ugly and un-haunted, or being gorgeous and stared at through a mirror. Don't you just hate making decisions?


Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.

I know that one day i'm going to be pregnant. I will honestly say that I cannot wait! I would love to have something that I've created with my own body. Do you know what I mean? I'm sure mothers would know what I meant. You know what makes me sad though? Seeing those children on the television with cancer. All those children in St.Jude's hospital. They have no hair, or eyebrows, and they always look so pitiful, pathetic, and in pain. I know they want the money for the hospital, but my goodness! I never ever want to bear a child that had cancer. That would be my complete and worst nightmare! I just pray to God that the child I give birth to is a healthy, bouncing baby girl. I'm sure there are other woman who agree with me, but has there ever been any woman that actually gave up their child because of their shame for their baby...? Would you...?

Friday, September 5, 2008


Parturiphobia- Fear of childbirth.

A week or so ago, I had an odd dream. This dream was about me being just a few months pregnant. I was downstairs, in my mother's room and I had to use the restroom. I pulled down my pants, and there I saw a baby's head! It came out, without any pain, and my mother cut the umbilical cord. I sat down with my baby in my arms and I had such happiness. I'm guessing that's what it felt like to actually create life. I sat the baby down on my lap, but when I looked down, it was a cat. Everything isn't exactly what it seems, huh?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school.

Today was my first day of school for being a sophomore! Exciting, huh? I saw familiar faces today, and of course some non-new faces. A lot of people I talked to were just so unhappy with being at school. My one friend is even a little afraid to go back tomorrow! I don't know if it's just me, but i don't see what's so extremely terrible about school. Yes, you do have to do work, and there's all that non-sense about having to do projects, homework, etc. and what not, but I honestly don't see what's the matter. The only problem I have with it cannot be said. I'll just leave it at that. Oh, except when I had seen the boy that I fell in love with (yes, teens can fall in love!), who I had gotten mad at, I just felt so weak afterwards. I lost all feeling in my legs, and my heart felt empty. I miss him terribly. .. But I digress... Anywho, school isn't as bad as they make it seem on television. Schools in real life have more protection and are a lot more safer. Silly television, we proved you wrong again!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.

Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel so alone? Almost as if you were the only one on the earth. Although you see and hear people around you, you still feel as they're not really there. It's almost as if there's a huge invisible wall blocking you from the rest of the world. I can surely say that I hate that feeling. Especially when there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Sometimes when we feel alone, we can think of solutions to cure our loneliness--but we can't always use the solution. That's terrible, huh? Thinking about it that way makes you believe that you'll be alone forever...


Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons.

What can't we see with the naked eye? I've read a couple of articles and such, here and there, and they claim to say that there's more than meets the eye. Oh come now, we've all seen the movies too! Ghosts and demons, spirits and poltergeists! You name it, and you've probably seen it--but not in real life... or have you? Some people are known to be able to see such supernatural things. Me? I have to admit, there are times where I feel like someone is watching me, or when I feel that there is someone there. We'll never really know though, will we? For now we'll just live in this world without any knowledge of what may actually be out there. Could they be good or bad things? Why are we so blind to what we really need to see?

Monday, September 1, 2008


Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight. (Pocrescophobia)

Last night I slept over my best friend's house. When we're with friends, we tend to just be loose, and have fun, am I correct? So for someone that's trying to lose weight, that's not the best thing--is it? She had eaten some instant lunch soup, but I had some macaroni and cheese. We also had shared a chocolate candy bar and some ice cream. I'll admit, i'm trying to lose weight, just like the other 90% of women who don't agree with their bodies. This whole eating at four in the morning thing isn't really helping me, is it? I have another friend that I used to be really close to, and she had recently gained a lot of weight. I was sad to see her like that because I remember how she used to complain about her weight before and how she had really wanted to lose it. There were times where she was actually losing some weight too, my mother had even seen it. Although now, she is just larger than she used to be. I feel as though... she doesn't deserve that. She's good people and she's never hurt anyone--nor would she probably ever.

" And so to reward your generosity and kindness, we reward you with--BEING OBESE! CONGRATULATIONS! "