Thursday, September 11, 2008


Meteorophobia- Fear of meteors.

I was sitting in homeroom this morning watching the channel one news. My friend was sitting next to me, and as usual we were laughing at how silly the people looked on the TV. He then told me that people say the world is going to end in October. I rolled my eyes and asked him how. He told me that two meteors were supposedly going to come and collide or something along those lines. I told him that was cool, but I was being sarcastic. I just brushed it off. We kept watching the channel one news, and there was a story about a black hole swallowing up the whole planet Earth. He told me that this was what he was actually trying to explain to me. I laughed about it, but there's just possibility we could all get sucked into a black hole. Just wanted to let you know.

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