Friday, September 19, 2008


Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia)

I know this one girl, and she wears a wig. For all the time I knew her, she always wore a wig. Of course she never took it off in public, but I never saw it off of her either. One day, while playing in gym, a ball hit her in the head, and her wig was knocked off. I'm sure many can identify who I'm speaking of, but we won't speak her name. She obviously got embarassed. From what I can remember, she was crying. Who wouldn't cry at a time like this? Personally, I love my hair. It's long and wavy, sometimes curly, and it's fun. I would cry too if I had to wear a wig. I think we asked her why she had to wear a wig, and had little to no hair. From what I remember, she said that she had gotten gum stuck in her hair, and she had to shave it all off. I believed it when I was little, but I thought about her a lot as I grew older. I asked my health teacher, and it's not cancer or anything. It's actually this disease that's called
alopecia totalis, or alopecia areata. I don't know which one. I was glad that it wasn't cancer, but still sad that it was a disease. In a way, it made me thankful. But then again, hair is dead anyway.

1 comment:

mariposa said...

Hey! Just wanted to let you know I like your blog :)